Chakra Activation Workshops

A Sacred Healing Circle.
The Reiki share – provides a sacred space to build up your personal practice for reiki healers and an opportunity to get together to practice giving a reiki treatment and receiving a reiki healing treatment. The feedback from these groups, it provides an opportunity to have a monthly healing treatment, to rebalance, for many it lightens the whole energy field, they feel energy fit for the month ahead. There seems to be a general feeling of a monthly clearing out effect and recharging for all the chakra batteries and especially they love the meditation and the destressing for the mind, these healing circles, keep you balanced and provides extra energy support on your reiki journey, with likeminded people.

The circle provides a space for ongoing practice, training, supervision, and updates on any new developments in the Reiki healing system, for all levels of reiki. – This can be used as continued professional development CPD hours. Contact me if you would like to join into the monthly Reiki
Healing circle

During the Covid-19 restrictions, we meet online live – via zoom, you get to experience a full healing and guided energy flow from the comfort of your own home, due to all the positive feedback, we had absolutely amazing healing nights, the students want to continue these healing sessions online post covid times.

Time to power up your chakra power.

Helping you to help yourself.

Come Join the Vibe Tribe trainings.


Soul-Care & Energy Healing – Online live 7 weeks – 7 chakras (evening course)
This online live guided -7-week workshop gives you an opportunity to explore 7 main Chakra system, the inner worlds of energy, vibration, consciousness, metaphysics, chakra anatomy, chakra flow, chakra psychology, the fundamentals of your internal landscape that is reflected out to the world, as who you are.

Included in this workshop
– Lifetime access to this guided workshop.

– We examine the chakras as the storehouses, for all our life experiences, our stories, that have shaped the younger self, the impressions of life, from the womb, to this time in your life. Every moment, passed through these chakras of energy and information, storing the stories of the soul.

– We delve into each of the 7 main chakras, covering a chakra a week, tuning into the deeper wisdom of the body. We are more than physical beings. Our bodies are expressions of mind, spirit, and soul, vibrating out into the world as “you”, your deeper truths, belief systems, traumas,
patterns, and past experiences, held in your cellular memory.

– Online live guided meditations for exploration and recorded meditations for home practice, for tuning into and aligning your chakras, working from the 1 st chakra to the 7 th chakra, spending a week developing a chakra at a time and tapping into the wisdom and energy vibration of each chakra, building the rainbow energy aura for health and vitality.

– 7 Modules, a specific chakra module a week, combining chakra science, energy psychology, quantum energy, meditation practices, ancient eastern chakra teachings to utilise our full life force potential.

– Learn the anatomy of the chakras, how energy moves through the subtle “channels”, the “know how” to unblock, clear and balance the 7 main chakras for optimal self-growth and wellbeing. 

– Our chakras are a bridge between the physical body (visible) and the subtle bodies (invisible) the realms of spirit and matter, heaven, and earth, consciousness and higher consciousness, the ego, and the soul.

– The 7 main chakras are the blueprint of your soul, holding the qualities and characteristics required to master our lives, these chakras are the invisible anatomy of spirit, holding the power potential of the soul, the higher wiser version of you.

– This workshop will journey through the developmental stages of the chakras, expand and upgrade, our old held programs, that are still vibrating out into the world, as You. Through this experiential journey, you will discover the deep connection between mind, body, and soul, as you develop your energetic network of light, consciousness and all the latent abilities of your chakra power.

– Utilising the key strengths, power and wisdom held within each chakra, learn to activate, and awaken the chakra power, to balance, clear blockages, overcome challenges to move forward in life, releasing as we go, creating a new energy alignment. We have the potential to change our stories.

– Understanding the wisdom of the chakra, the keys to the many qualities available through the activation of these 7 vortexes of universal lifeforce potential, uncovering these ancient teachings for wellbeing.

– Journal exercises, deep dives to understand more about your blocks, what is shaping your life,

– Expansion exercises for change and alchemise vibrations, its not about the story, it is about moving energy. As we gain understanding and awareness of chakra psychology, we can uplift our vibrational energy attraction and decide on more, better life experiences, happier living.

– Chakra balancing and harmonising with the highest chakra frequency emission, for a personal reboot, charging up your energetic body system to receive a higher level of universal KI.

– Vibe Tribe – certificate on completion

Helping you to help yourself.

Come Join the Vibe Tribe trainings.


This guided workshop is like going to the soul doctor, the higher perspective and taking an inventory of your life experience, exploring what life is showing you while tuning into the wisdom of your Soul, your guides, and the angels to heal the ancestral lines.

It is not just our looks we inherit from our ancestors and parents, the handing down of family hurt – remove your (hidden) legacy of family hurt for you and your children.

Often, we carry on dis-eases and behaviours that ‘run in the family’. Pain, grief, uncertainty, anxiety, mental and physical ailments, inadequate behaviour can be contagious. Unconsciously we may go on obstructing ourselves by hidden patterns that we incorporated during early childhood and adolescence. Imprinted by our family system, ‘handed down’ by our parents, we suffer from ailments that find their origin in the family lineage passed down from one generation to the next 

Creating a sacred space and time of PAUSE, time to listen to your body and your soul history.

Included in this workshop
– Lifetime access to this guided workshop.

– A workbook with the tools and techniques to use to clear the ancestral lines.

– Learn to clear the timelines and upgrade your DNA, with new codes for healing, using the power of your personal energy,

– Create a new energy encoded story, upgrading your genes, your programs and stepping into your personal power for consciously rewriting your own life path story. You choose the next chapter.

Meditation – Healing the generational ties that bind us.

Helping you to help yourself.

Come Join the Vibe Tribe trainings.


Time to power up – For Healers & Energy workers

Attune to this higher level of universal Ki, awakening your full energy potential, working through the 9-chakra system from the comfort of your own healing space, while trancing out through this chakra mediative journey, a guided understanding to your 9 – chakra power potential.

Included in this workshop
– Lifetime access to this guided workshop, for personal home practice. module on chakra fitness

– 30-minute Guided mediation – Chakra fitness, time to power up.

– Bringing your chakras into balance and harmony, rebooting your full energy potential,

– Know your chakra power.

Helping you to help yourself.

Come Join the Vibe Tribe trainings.


About the trainer
Hello! My name is Jenny Murphy

My name is Jenny Murphy and welcome to my spiritual domain. Feel free to browse and contact me if there is anything that ignites your interest.

To understand this world around us and most definitely ourselves, we must look at the fact, that we are energy, we vibrate. I love to share spiritual science and teachings about energetics, consciousness, quantum physics, natural science, chakra psychology and the wisdom of the ancients.