
NiamhDublin, ireland
I would highly recommend Jenny for Reiki healing, Reiki training and the workshops she runs. I started Reiki training about 6 years ago and it is changed my life completely! Jenny is a very special lady who is passionate about her work. She's a fantastic teacher and a gifted healer like no other. She is a lovely person who will always be in my life. When you work with Jenny you soon realise, you are working with the best!
TereDublin, Ireland
Jenny has changed my life since the first day I met her in 2012. I did trainings with her, my Reiki I, II and practitioner level, Workshops, and private sessions. I always felt supported and listened, and after each of her sessions things always better. Her unconditional love is what this world needs to be a better place. And she is always teaching me that. I highly recommend Jenny. She is and will be always part of my family here in Ireland. thank you forever!
TeresaClare, Ireland
I've be going to Jenny since 2009, she is incredible lady who truly connects with your needs at that particular stage of your life. Over the past ten years there has been lots of highs and lows but with through working with Jenny to ensure balance life balance is restored. Empowering people to connect and teach is one of Jenny's wonderful traits that she shares openly. Post a treatment with Jenny, you begin to see things differently, heal and self-care becomes a priority. I have also attended both Reiki 1 & 2 practitioner level with Jenny. If you were to treat yourself to one experience in this lifetime then choose Angelic Blessings. It will be the start of your continued healing journey.
PaulaKildare, Ireland
Working with Jenny has been one of the most transformational experiences of my life. I went to her first for therapy and healing and I was so impressed with her authenticity and purity of her Reiki lineage that I subsequently trained in Reiki Levels I, II & Practitioner with her. I am currently in the process of carrying out my case studies with a view to becoming a Professional Reiki Practitioner myself. I also choose to be part of her monthly Reiki Share Workshops and the weekly Distance Healing group, which not only keeps me connected and grounded in my healing practice, it also counts as CPD. In my opinion, Jenny is unique. Not only is she a skilled and experienced therapist, her Angelic Connection is an experience like no other. I have never received healing, either through talk therapy or Reiki, like it. I feel lucky and privilegd to have been trained by her and to be continuing my Spiritual development under her care.
AngieDublin, Ireland
My god what can I say, there are no words for jenny, she is truly amazing. I started different workshops with jenny 12 years ago, from angel days, manifesting days etc and followed training in reiki through to reiki practitioner. Jenny transformed my life! she is an exceptional teacher, guide spiritual mentor and coach and she is so dedicated, caring, and passionate in her work and it shows!! I cannot recommend jenny highly enough.
KellyKildare, Ireland
From the very first moment I met Jenny for a one-to-one reiki session she made me feel at ease. She has a great understanding of people and is very gifted and attuned. The reiki sessions changed my outlook on life and put me on a different career path. I enjoyed them so much that I have since trained in reiki 1 and reiki 11 and more recently completed the reiki practitioner course with Jenny. Jenny has been with me every step of the way through my reiki journey. I would highly recommend a session with Jenny.
I am grateful to God and life for having met Jenny. I started a few weeks ago with a "one-to- one" sessions and I immediately realized how powerful and naturally you are in deeply understanding people, in lifting your energy and helping you to feel the inner strength and power through the healing. I discovered Reiki with Jenny and I think I could not meet a teacher and a better person than her. Jenny is a woman that I consider truly exceptional, with a particular and unique spiritual inspiration that manages to go beyond and in the deep "being" of people. I can only recommend Jenny to all those people who are ready to transform themselves and their lives towards joy, fullness, hope and light. Ho scoperto il Reiki con Jenny e credo che non avrei potuto incontrare una maestra ed una persona migliore di lei. Jenny e’ una donna che considero veramente eccezionale, con una particolare ed unica ispirazione spirituale che riesce ad andare oltre e nel profondo “essere” delle persone. Non posso che raccomandare Jenny a tutte quelle persone che sono pronte a trasformare se stessi e la propria vita verso la gioia, la pienezza, la speranza e la luce.
DanielMeath, Ireland
If you’re looking for true substantial healing, greater calmness and direction in your life it's within yourself. Look no further than Jenny for guidance and support in tapping into your true potential as a channel of universal light and love.
RebeccaDublin, Ireland
I woke up this morning with a huge sense of happiness in my life, the experience I encountered last night was almost indescribable. I went to Jenny with a very heavy heart and was in a sad place in my life, which was partly due to having a miscarriage recently & the sudden and tragic deaths that took place in my family, which I now realise, I never mourned, so Jenny kindly provided me with a healing. It was magical, the colours, this angelic experience while being worked on, the willingness to let my little darling angel go, To let the sadness I held in my heart, go and it was done with such ease. Now, I feel a freedom that has not been there for a very long time. I can’t explain or properly understand what happened while Jenny worked on me, but the best I can describe was bursts of light & colour everywhere, gold’s, pinks, purples and baby blue, especially at my head.  I started to see in a pink haze without my eyes even being open.  A smell of frankincense that gave me what felt like my very first breath in this world, this was without there being any incense in the room. The feeling of an angelic presence that must be experienced and can’t be explained. When she touched my heart & head, the peace of mind when she cleared my head with a sudden pop, my mind is now calm and not busy as it was before. Thank you, Jenny, thank you Jesus, Saint Theresa, Saint Bridget, Archangel Michael and Mother Mary for the help and strength that you have given me and your blessings.
SofieKildare, Ireland
Cannot recommend Jenny for Reiki Healing if I could give her 10 star rating I would She has done healings on both myself & my 5 year old & has made a profound difference to our lives
BridgetKildare, Ireland
I received angelic reiki healing from Jenny at a time of my life that I really needed help. I will always remember what Jenny said to me and what she did for me. My life was in her hands and she completely cared for me. I told her things that I couldn’t tell other people and that I wouldn’t be able to explain to other people. She gave very generously of her time and she was very caring and kind. After I received the healing in the days following, I felt really happy and accepting of my life and accepting of everything that God gave me. Jenny worked really hard and with joy so that I could find this peace. I would definitely recommend Jenny as she really is an angel.
Jenny in my life. Thanks Jenny for the last healing session, I told her personal things that I could not tell other people and she took care of my state of being and was caring about my feelings. the blocks that I had in my full body disappeared after the healing session. I would definitely recommend Jenny as she is an angel. thanks Jenny with Love Teresita Sono felice e contenta di aver incontrato Jenny nella mia vita.Grazie Jenny per la sessione teraupetica , ho raccontato delle cose personali che non avrei potuto raccontare ad altre persone e lei si e'presa cura di me del mio stato d'essere.Ho sentito la sua energia che ruotava attorno al mio corpo e i blocchi che avevo nel mio corpo sono scomparsi dopo la sessione terapeutica. Consiglio vivamente Jenny perche' e' un angelo. Grazie Jenny Con affetto
IwonaWexford, Ireland
I loved the intimacy of the whole experience, the chrysalis Healing Hut is full of positive energy, immediately you feel at ease and comfortable in the presence of Jenny – a wonderful enlightening experience.   My expectations went beyond what I was expecting. I would recommend Jenny’s workshop to others because Jenny has a great connection with everyone and makes everyone feel great…. great fun and I made some lovely new friends. I got Peace and calm from the training, my expectations were met and more, I would recommend this Reiki training with Jenny to help others find a new way of living.     It was the best weekend I have had, and I hope we have many more. The Hut is a special place, safe special and heavenly. I have no tips to give to Jenny – Jenny has a special gift… what I liked least about the weekend Reiki training… was having to go home. I loved the feeling of belonging with like-minded warm people.  I never thought I would be able to complete a healing.   I would like to spread this message it was a fabulous weekend of personal growth.  Thank you, thank you, thank you xxx Dear Jenny, Just to say thank you for your transforming touch and healing session. Which have started the ball rolling to heal my past, gave me courage to overcome my limitation, and open my eyes on my life & needs. It opens my ears to really hear and sink into my heart! And communicate with my thoughts!! It brought me back my faith & confidence, believe in my unlimited opportunities which life has for me (-:
I have been to Jenny many times for healing and have always felt the positive changes immediately and the benefits forever afterwards. My recent visit to Jenny came about after having been through a tough year and I was feeling very drained, worn out and felt I had nothing left to give. Words do not give justice to the sensation of being washed clean inside and out… of being filled with the purest of energy and vibrant colours… of knowing that I am, have been and will always be, loved and supported by Jenny and my spiritual family who are always present during these healings.  Immediately after the healing I felt more energetic than I have been in a long time and this feeling has remained with me almost four weeks later. I know that during these healings major ‘shifts’ occur. It always seems that I ‘grow’ spiritually and .. dare I say it… gain clarity and wisdom that benefits my wellbeing and the wellbeing of those around me. Thank you so much Jenny,
Welcome to Vibe Tribe

Jenny Murphy

My name is Jenny Murphy and welcome to my spiritual domain. Feel free to browse and contact me if there is anything that ignites your interest.

To understand this world around us and most definitely ourselves, we must look at the fact, that we are energy, we vibrate. I love to share spiritual science and teachings about energetics, consciousness, quantum physics, natural science, chakra psychology and the wisdom of the ancients.

I believe in the easy path, life is difficult enough for so many, why not harness the power of our mind and our energy system to support your life and clear what blocks your natural flow to living your life full of purpose, passion, personal power, joy, love, freedom, in tune with your soul vibrations.

Through my workshops and one to one healing sessions, I can teach you how to harness the power of your own inner mind to overcome behavioural patterns that inhibited you in the past. You will learn to use the power of your energetics and consciousness, helping you to resolve those inner issues, step out of the cycles that keep you stuck and learn the power of manifesting what you want to experience and the frequencies you need to tune into, to make that happen.


Angelic Reiki Healing

Angelic Reiki Healing

Angelic Reiki, eases the mind, calms the nervous system & relieves stress, the major cause of many ailments. Reiki is the spiritual medicine for all illness, restoring equilibrium to the mind-body system, repairs the aura, rebalances the chakras, lifts your vibrations for positive living.
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Transpersonal Energy Therapy

Transpersonal Energy Therapy

Transpersonal energy therapy delves into the many layers of self, to find the root cause of your unease, dis-ease, illness, stuckness, sadness, fears, anxiety. accessing mind, body, soul levels to find what blocks you, liberate your personal energy flow & initiate inner healing.
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Hypno Psychotherapy

Hypno Psychotherapy

Hypnotherapy accesses the sub-conscious level of the mind, exploring old beliefs and running programs that have been sabotaging your attempts at happiness, success & love. Helping to resolve those inner workings of the mind, reducing stress & promoting positive change.
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Past Life Regression

Past Life Regression

Past Life Regression Therapy, helping you find the answers to current blocks and difficulties, gain deep wisdom and insights into the self, love, health, wealth, heal past life programs and align to your life purpose healing for mind body and soul.
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Energy Evaluation

Energy evaluation

Workshops exploring self-connecting, the deeper aspect of ‘the self’ the psyche, life path work, spiritual development, law of attraction, ancestral healing, transforming life challenges into wisdom & tools for personal growth, Soul evolution towards living your highest vibrational life. Come Join the Vibe Tribe.
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Reiki Workshops

Reiki Workshops

Certified trainings in Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki level 1 degree up to Reiki Master level(RFI accredited) You also receive the additional Angelic Blessings Healing, all levels (heavenly/cosmic Rays) to add to your Reiki practice (earth energy).
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The 7 Keys for Manifesting

The 7 Keys for Manifesting

Welcome to The 7 Keys for Manifesting Video Course by Jenny Murphy. In this course, you’ll learn how to tap into the creation vibration and manifest your desires with ease.
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Master Your Mindset Workshops

Master Your Mindset Workshops

Workshops exploring self-connecting, the deeper aspect of ‘the self’ the psyche, life path work, spiritual development, law of attraction, ancestral healing, transforming life challenges into wisdom & tools for personal growth, Soul evolution towards living your highest vibrational life. Come Join the Vibe Tribe.
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Chakra Activation workshops

Chakra Activation workshops

Workshops exploring self-connecting, the deeper aspect of ‘the self’ the psyche, life path work, spiritual development, law of attraction, ancestral healing, transforming life challenges into wisdom & tools for personal growth, Soul evolution towards living your highest vibrational life. Come Join the Vibe Tribe.
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Jenny Murphy
Reiki, Seichem Master Teacher,
Law of attraction & Mindset Coach

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