We all have the power within us to manifest unlimited money, romance, and anything else our hearts desire. Everything that appears in our lives, good or bad, is a direct response to your personal energy projection. So, learn the universal laws of love and success and open your life to universal abundance
This guided workshop covers the basic energy keys for living an abundant life. Explore the universal principles of alignment, energy, mindset and raising your vibrations to live your best life.
Journey into your inner world of energy, your energy potential for creating better life experiences.
Creating a sacred space to prepare for the life you desire.
Included in this workshop
– Lifetime access to this guided workshop.
– A workbook with the tools and techniques to use year after year.
– Learning the laws of the universe and the principles of manifesting
– Deciding what you want, creating a blueprint for your future.
– Raising energetic frequency to attract your Dreams and Desires.
– Explore the energy around how you create in the key areas of your life.
– Learn the tools and “know how” to vibrate and be a magnet for what your heart desires… abundance, financial freedom, your soul mate, a new home, career satisfaction, healthy relationships, for health and wellbeing.
– Meditations to use daily.
– Certificate on completion
Helping you to help yourself.
Come Join the Vibe Tribe trainings.
This workshop will guide you through healing what blocks you finding love, moving on, healing what prevents you finding your soul mate. Find the hidden blocks to love……
Working through these guided exercises, understanding yourself and your attraction to love
Breaking with the past, moving into the future,
Setting and aligning with your soul vision,
Healing what blocks you to attracting better love
Finding the missing keys to manifesting more love in your life.
Understanding the laws of love.
In my clinic, I meet so many people and I would have to say lovely big-hearted people, looking for love, craving to feel better about themselves and wanting to meet the right person. I tend to draw some beautiful souls, who get a bit stuck by life, conditioning, running off old, outdated programs, people craving connection back to themselves or with a real person.
Energy is energy, like attracts like. It is all about likes. We mirror each other, people come into our lives to fulfil our requests, sent out into the universe. You have friendships based on feeling ok around certain people, you fit in with the group, you find your place, there is a common
denominator called our personal energy vibration.
Einstein quote, everything is energy and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics. Learning some truths about reality, when we show up for life, for work, for relationships, for ourselves, for something better.
People come into our lives, some come in as teachers and some come in as lessons, this quote relates to our life path, when we can understand the laws of love and the universe, we can consciously move into the vibration for love. It’s time to love again.
Helping you to help yourself.
Come Join the Vibe Tribe trainings.
This guided workshop is like going to the soul doctor, the higher perspective and taking an inventory of your life experience, exploring what life is showing you while tuning into the wisdom of your Soul, your guides, and the angels to heal the ancestral lines.
It is not just our looks we inherit from our ancestors and parents, the handing down of family hurt – remove your (hidden) legacy of family hurt for you and your children.
Often, we carry on dis-eases and behaviors that ‘run in the family’. Pain, grief, uncertainty, anxiety, mental and physical ailments, inadequate behaviour can be contagious. Unconsciously we may go on obstructing ourselves by hidden patterns that we incorporated during early childhood and adolescence. Imprinted by our family system, ‘handed down’ by our parents, we suffer from ailments that find their origin in the family lineage passed down from one generation to the next
Creating a sacred space and time of PAUSE, time to listen to your body and your soul history.
Included in this workshop
– Lifetime access to this guided workshop.
– A workbook with the tools and techniques to use to clear the ancestral lines.
– Learn to clear the timelines and upgrade your DNA, with new codes for healing, using the power of your personal energy,
– Create a new energy encoded story, upgrading your genes, your programs and stepping into your personal power for consciously rewriting your own life path story. You choose the next chapter.
Meditation – Healing the generational ties that bind us.
Helping you to help yourself.
Come Join the Vibe Tribe trainings.
Online guided course
As an angel intuitive and natural healer, I will guide you through a series of healing techniques, this guided workshop is yours to keep, you can use any time, every day to receive angelic healing light into your life, your home, and your aura. Angelic light is the energy of blessings, learning to bring many angelic blessings into your life.
In this workshop you will learn how to tune into this sacred energy of your angels and guides, you will learn how to bring Angels into your everyday living experiences, to help with day-to-day tasks and life events.
This is your very own, angel connection starter kit, you will learn the basic techniques for every day positive living, you will learn how to ground angelic light into your life, how to use angelic protections, how to cut the ties with people, places and situations that drain you and preserve your energy.
You will receive guided video teachings, learning about the angels of the week, you will receive “which angels help guide” learn how to invoke angels for life’s problems, discovering with angels can guide you, at different times in your life.
Your will receive a beautiful collection of channelled angelic blessings meditations, I will guide you on how to connect with the angels and you can build your connection at your own pace, this collection is yours to keep.
Included in this workshop
– Lifetime access to this guided workshop.
– A workbook with the tools and techniques to use year after year.
– Learn the basics in meditation, I will guide you to find your sacred space within for meditation, trance out in peace and calm, the highest vibrations of angelic blessings.
– Learn “How to” tune into your Angels and Guides.
– Learn “How to” bring Angels into your life.
– Learn “How to” Ground yourself with the Angels.
– Learn “How to” invoke a protective bubble around you and your loved ones.
– Learn “How to” Let go of worries with the Angels.
– Learn “How to” Replace negativity with Positivity.
– Learn “How to” recognise coincidences, synchronicities, and signs from the Angels.
– Learn “How to” connect with your guardian Angel.
– Learn “How to” communicate and receive messages from your Angels and guides.
– Learn “How to” cut the ties & cords with people, places & situations.
– Learn the” know how”, which Angels to call upon for everyday assistance.
– Learning to remain Open to receiving to Angelic Blessings.
You will receive an Angelic Blessings Certificate of completion.
Helping you to help yourself.
Come Join the Vibe Tribe trainings.
My name is Jenny Murphy and welcome to my spiritual domain. Feel free to browse and contact me if there is anything that ignites your interest.
To understand this world around us and most definitely ourselves, we must look at the fact, that we are energy, we vibrate. I love to share spiritual science and teachings about energetics, consciousness, quantum physics, natural science, chakra psychology and the wisdom of the ancients.