You must ask yourself the question, what is life about?  is it really all about having things? having a good bank account? these are all at a base chakra level of existence, we need to raise our conscious awareness and collective energy, we are all linked in this energetic sea of energy.   

The widespread of fear, at the start of the pandemic, this hit us at a collective sacral chakra levels of fear communication, the unseen virus, spread an epidemic level of fear throughout the globe, it gathered speed at the sacral chakra level.   I felt this fear, it took 14 days of group planetary healing to feel the wave subside.   

This pandemic in terms of energy is an evolutionary event, with the opportunity for many to wake up to higher consciousness, the higher self, to shed the old and bring in the new you, as we move back out into whole world living.  This pandemic has shown us, we are all linked, this human species, all breathing the same air, standing on the same earth, no matter of gender, race, religion, wealth status, no one had a special privilege or hierarchy when it came to the corona virus, it simply went back to our biology and our personal wellbeing.    

The awakening of compassion for the rest of our global family, empathy for the sacredness of life and a collective wish for wellbeing and health for the whole of humanity.   As this is a global crisis, individually people began to see not just themselves, but we are linked by biogenetically to each other and the wellness of all, it crucial. Awareness was born of our global family.

Energetically, at the turn of the new year, there was an expanse of yellow gold energy, the prayers for healing for not just us, but for families, other countries, the world, prayers of healing for our world leadership, our medical systems, carers for health, wellness and abundance. 

The vibrations of the world are changing, this lockdown has changed perceptions, families, lives, this lockdown has given us an understanding of the privilege of freedom, what it is like to live in collective fear as a society, as a family.  When our lives go back to living freely, hopefully we will exercise our freedom of expression to speak up for those with less privileges in life and demand the basic human rights for every child born onto this planet. 

We are evolving, our world is evolving, we are part of a major shift for humanity, this is a major time for change for each and everyone of us. The energy is available to us all. We have moved into a new planetary time on earth, the age of Aquarius, this is a time for the feminine energy flow, a time for birthing a new way, compassion and empathy, sensitivities, and the heightened 6th sense of intuition will become active again.  Explore the workings of your many bodies.

Its time to wake up to your spiritual self and the power of your soul energy, the higher wiser version of the self. 

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift.
Albert Einstein

We are from the same energy as super nova’s; we vibrate light and learning conscious heart living, loving what you do, finding your passion in life and doing it, we can vibrate more love and light out into the world.   

2021 is the Time to lift the earths vibrations for the betterment of all our collective humankind. 

Time to shine.

Picture of Jenny Murphy
Jenny Murphy

My name is Jenny Murphy and welcome to my spiritual domain. Feel free to browse and contact me if there is anything that ignites your interest.

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Hello! My name is Jenny Murphy

My name is Jenny Murphy and welcome to my spiritual domain. Feel free to browse and contact me if there is anything that ignites your interest.

To understand this world around us and most definitely ourselves, we must look at the fact, that we are energy, we vibrate. I love to share spiritual science and teachings about energetics, consciousness, quantum physics, natural science, chakra psychology and the wisdom of the ancients.

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You must ask yourself the question, what is life about?  is it really all about having things? having a good bank account? these are all

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